Pay attention when your child wants to talk to you. |
Let your child help wash himself in the tub. Name different body parts as he does so. |
Let your child start to take responsibility for her possessions. |
Let your child help you or others around the house. |
Give your child words for his feelings. “You look so happy” or “You must be feeling very sad”. Look in mirror and make “happy” and “sad” faces. |
Help your child name different body parts, while looking in a mirror.Measure your child’s height on a wall chart, so she can see how she has grown. |
Help your child draw outlines of their hands and feet on paper. |
Discuss with your child how he is growing larger and can no longer fit into the clothes he once wore. Compare infant clothes to the ones he wears now. |
Make a photo book for your child with pictures of her doing different activities.