Set out a plastic clothes basket. |
Give your toddler a medium sized ball. |
Show her how to toss the ball into the basket.
Set out three or four large, empty plastic soda bottles. |
Have your toddler stand back 3-4 feet and roll a ball on the floor towards the bottles. |
Have your child count the number of bottles he knocks down. |
Set out some sheets of used paper (approximately 8” x 8”). |
Show your toddler how to crumble the paper into a ball. |
Later, your child can try tossing her paper balls across the room. |
Note: Crumbling paper into balls can help young children develop hand muscles.
Set out some clay or play dough for your toddler. |
Show him how to roll the clay or dough between his palms to create small balls. |
Find a shoebox and a small rubber ball. (Be sure the ball
is large enough that it won't fit in your child's mouth.) |
Cut a hole in the bottom of the box, slightly larger than
the ball. |
Show your child how to drop the ball into the box and move
the box around until the ball rolls out the hole. |
Pick up the ball and let your child drop it in the box again.
Cut out magazine pictures of interesting
people and animals. |
Let your child help you place a circle sticker "ball"
on each picture. |
Staple the pictures together and add a construction paper
cover. |
Read your Bouncing Ball Book together, looking for the "ball"
on each page. |