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Toddlers can practice many skills while playing in a sandbox. Below are a few activities to do with your toddler.
Give your child a plastic funnel and show her how to pour sand in the top and watch it pour out the tube.
Give your child measuring cups to fill with sand.
Large spoons work great in the sand box.
Cut a large plastic bottle in half diagonally
Use the bottom to mold sand. Have your child pour sand into the bottom half, then add some water and pat it down.
Next, help your child to turn it over and remove the bottle.
You can turn the top half of the bottle upside-down and use it for a sand funnel.

Give your child some cars or trucks that can be used in a sandbox. Show her how to drag a small spatula or block through the sand to make a hard flat road. Use blocks or mounds of sand to create tunnels for your cars.