Cut large heart shapes out of red
paper. |
Tape the hearts to the floor and put on some lively
music. |
Hop from heart to heart with your child. |
Try hopping backwards and sideways, too! |
Help your child draw a face on a paper heart shape.
Tape the heart to a craft stick to make a Heart Puppet. |
Show your child how to make the Heart Puppet "talk"
and "sing." |
Cut heart shapes out
of sheets from self-stick notepads. (Cut the hearts so
that the sticky part of the paper is at the top of each
heart.) |
Stick the hearts all
around your home. |
Ask your child to join
you in finding the hearts. |
After you've found all
the hearts, let your child stick some around for you to
find. |
VARIATION: If you don't
have self-stick notepads, you can just make regular paper
hearts and hide them around your house. |
Write numerals on five paper heart
shapes -from 1 to five. |
Mix up the hearts and place them face down on a table. |
Think of an action to do with your child (jumping, hugging,
spinning, etc.). |
Let your child turn over one of the hearts. |
Together, say the number on the heart and then do the
action you chose that many times, counting as you go. |
Repeat, this game four more times, using the four remaining