Set out a piece of newsprint and lay a large white doilie on it. |
Give your child a paint brush, some water and some large squared watercolors. |
Show your child how to dip the brush in the water and then onto the paint and then how to wipe the brush across the doilie. |
Don’t worry about mixed colors with toddlers, just clean the watercolor tray when your child is finished.
Cut out the center of a large doilie. |
Cut out pictures from magazines in circles, the same size as the doilie. |
Show your child how to glue the doilie over the picture to create a circular frame. |
Set out some markers and let your child decorate the center of the doilie with marker lines and shapes. |
Place a doilie on top of a piece of newsprint. |
Give your child a small cup or plate with water, plus some paint dobbers. |
Show your child how to dip the dobber into the water and then smash it down on the doilie. The colored water will splash out creating fun color bursts. |
Allow your child to make one or different colors of color bursts. |
Variation: You do not need to use the water, you can just let your child make circles of paint on their doilie using paint dobbers. |
Have your child brush glue across the center of a doilie. |
Then have him place the doilie in a box lid and sprinkle on some glitter.
Have your child spread glue across the center of her doilie. |
Then have her sprinkle confetti on top of the glue. |
Have her press the confetti down, so it will hold better. |
Take a large craft stick and draw a simple face on the top of one end using a small tipped black marker. |
Now take a doilie and fold it in half. |
Then lay the craft stick on top of the folded doilie (in the middle with the head sticking up from the doilie) and glue in place. |
Finally fold the two doilie sides down, to create a cape for the doll puppet. Glue cape in place. |