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Give each of your children a brown paper triangle to glue onto a piece of blue paper for a reindeer head. Have them glue on googly eyes plus a red paper nose. Then, to complete, give them each a pair of antlers cut from brown felt or craft foam to glue to the top of their reindeer heads.
For each of your children, cut a 4- to 5-inch reindeer body shape—without legs—from heavy brown paper. Let the children glue on tiny pieces of brown yarn for fur, and add details with markers. Have them each paint two spring-type clothespins brown for legs. Then have them clip the pins to the bottom edge of their reindeer bodies and stand their completed reindeer on a table or windowsill.
REINDEER ROUTE - Problem Solving / Writing
Draw a winding pathway on a piece of white paper. At the beginning of the path, draw a picture of a reindeer, and at the end of the path draw a picture of Santa's sleigh (or glue on pictures of a reindeer and a sleigh cut from holiday giftwrap). Make photocopies of the paper and give one to each of your children. Then have them draw a crayon line along the pathway on their papers to show how the reindeer would go to find Santa's sleigh.
In a large bowl, let your children help mix together 1 cup dry oatmeal, 1 cup sugar, and ½ cup red and green sprinkles. Give each child a small plastic zipper bag to hold open while you place 1 to 2 tablespoons of the Reindeer Treat inside the bag. Then let the children take the treat home to sprinkle outdoors on Christmas Eve for Santa's reindeer to enjoy while Santa eats the cookies left for him.
- Movement
Choose one child to wear a red circle sticker on his or her nose, pretending to be Rudolph. Have the other children line up behind Rudolph and follow as the reindeer dances and prances across the “rooftops” to music. Whenever the music stops, choose a new child to be Rudolph and start the game again. Continue until everyone has had a turn.

MORE REINDEER FUN - Listening/Music/Math/Science
Read “The Night Before Christmas” and talk about the names of Santa's reindeer.
Sing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”
Have your children pretend to be reindeer. As you call out a number, have them tap that many times with one of their “hooves.”
Read picture books about real reindeer (or caribou) to learn about their habitat and special features.

- Music/Movement
Tune: “Hokey-Pokey”

You put your reindeer hoof in,
You put your reindeer hoof out.
You put your reindeer hoof in,
And you turn yourself about.
You do the Reindeer Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about.
Heather McPhail

Have your children stand in a circle pretending to be reindeer and act out the song as you sing. Continue with more verses: “You put your reindeer nose in;” “You put your reindeer tail in;” “You put your reindeer self in,” and so on. Encourage the children to make up their own verses.
With your children, use a cookie cutter to make reindeer cookies. Invite the children to decorate the cookies with frosting and sprinkles.
Let your children spread softened cream cheese onto pieces of wheat bread to make open-faced sandwiches. Then have them top their sandwiches with sprouts for “reindeer moss,” the food reindeer feed on in the frozen north.