Give each of your children a piece of white paper with a large
oval drawn on it. Invite the children to tear colored paper
into small pieces and glue them all over their ovals, covering
the shapes completely. When they have finished, help them
outline their ovals by gluing yarn around the shapes. Display
the finished ovals around your room.
Let your children try the activities below, using paint
poured over sponges in shallow containers as paint pads.
Oval Pussy Willows: Start with branches drawn
with crayon on light colored paper. Dip thumbs into
gray paint and make prints up and down the branches. |
Oval Eggs: Dip thumbs into white or brown paint
and press them on paper bowl shapes to make prints. |
Oval Ladybugs: Make thumbprints on light colored
paper with red paint. When dry, use fine point markers
to add spots, legs, and a head to each print. |
Set out three
half-size egg cartons (each containing six egg cups).
From white or brown paper, cut out six small ovals,
six medium-size ovals, and six large ovals, making sure
that they all will fit in the egg carton cups. Mix up
the oval “eggs” and place them in a basket. Then invite
your children to sort them by size into the three egg
cartons. |
Cut five ovals out of felt and use a marker to number
them from 1 to 5. Set out a bowl containing 15 oval-shaped
dried beans. Then, sitting with each of your children
in turn, have them name the numerals on the ovals and
place a matching number of beans on each one. (Note: Activities
using small objects require close supervision.)
For each of your children, cut a large picture out of a magazine
and back it with cardboard. Give each child a picture along
with an oval egg shape cut from paper. Invite the children to
sit with you, one at a time, and move their eggs around on their
pictures. As they do so, have them tell you about what’s happening
to their “rolling” eggs. When they have finished, let them glue
their eggs onto their pictures any way they wish.
Cut one large oval out of heavy paper for each of your
children. Also cut out a few other shapes, and tape all
the shapes to the floor. Play music and invite the children
to walk around the shapes. Whenever you stop the music,
have the children search for the ovals and stand or sit
on them. Continue the game as long as you wish.
Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”
Wave your oval in the air, in the air.
Wave your oval in the air, in the air.
Wave your oval in the air,
Then wave it here and there.
Wave your oval in the air, in the air.
Wave your oval at your toe, at your toe.
Wave your oval at your toe, at your toe.
Wave your oval at your toe,
Then wave it to and fro.
Wave your oval at your toe, at your toe.
Give each of your children a paper oval shape to wave while
singing the song.
Let your children decorate large paper ovals with crayons or
markers to use as placemats. Then try one of these snack suggestions.
Have the children help make burritos with oval black
beans. |
Offer deviled eggs or hard-cooked eggs sliced lengthwise
into ovals. |
Serve navy bean soup with oval crackers. |