Try the fun wintertime activities
below with your group.
Have your children glue precut snow people shapes
onto dark blue construction paper and add details
with crayons. Pour small amounts of white tempera
paint over sponges placed in shallow pans. Then
invite the children to press their fingertips onto
the sponges and make fingerprint “snowflakes” all
over their papers. |
Let the children use white chalk to draw snowflakes
on dark colored paper. Show them how to make a large
X shape and then draw a horizontal line across the
middle of the X to make a six-pointed snowflake
base. Have them decorate the lines of their snowflake
bases with the chalk any way they wish. |
Set out a large piece of dark blue paper. Let your children
glue or tape evergreen sprigs and leafless twigs onto
the paper for trees. Then have them glue cotton below
the trees and on the tree “branches” for snow. When they
have finished, have them fill the rest of the paper with
falling snowflakes by gluing on small bits of cotton. |
Cut out five different matching
pairs of snowflakes. To make each pair, flatten two fluted
coffee filters and place one on top of the other. Fold
the filters into fourths to form a cone shape and cut
designs out of the folded edges. (Be sure to cut a different
set of designs out of each pair.) Open the filters and
tape each snowflake onto a piece of black paper. Then
mix up the papers and let your children take turns finding
the matching snowflakes.
Display pictures of snowflakes and count the
number of points with your children. Help them to
see that although each snowflake is unique, they
all have six points. |
Give each child a piece of paper with the numeral
6 on it. Then let the children use snowflake-shaped
rubber stamps and washable inkpads to make six snowflake
prints on their papers |
Make six “snowballs” by crumpling newspaper into
ball shapes and covering them with white tissue
paper. Let the children take turns tossing the six
snowballs into a large tub, counting as they go. |
Spoon snow into three containers. Add
drops of red and blue food coloring to one container,
drops of red and yellow to another, and drops of blue
and yellow to the third. What new colors are formed as
the snow melts? |
Place one cup of snow outdoors, one indoors,
and one in the freezer. Observe what happens during the
day. Why are the results different?
Help your children make a small snow person. Let them
decorate their creation for the birds with such treats
as seeds, nuts, dry cereal pieces, popcorn, and dried
fruit. |
Glue circles of black felt inside small plastic lids
and place the lids in the freezer. On a snowy day, let
the children catch falling snowflakes in the lids to observe
with magnifying glasses. |
Do traditional fun things in the snow with your group:
Make snow angels, have a sled ride, follow a leader by
stepping in his or her footprints, and so forth. Warm
up later with cups of cocoa! |
Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
Snowflakes, snowflakes dancing round, (Dance fingers around.)
Gently falling to the ground. (Wiggle fingers downward.)
See them drifting to and fro. (Sway fingers back and forth)
See them twirling fast, then slow. (Wiggle fingers in fast and
slow circles.)
Snowflakes, snowflakes dancing round. (Dance fingers around.)
Gently falling to the ground. (Wiggle fingers downward.)
Make or purchase muffins for your group. Spread honey or white
frosting on top of the muffins. Then let the children sprinkle
flaked coconut over their muffin tops for “snow.”