Give each of your children two small paper plates. Have them
paint the backs of their plates red and glue a few apple seeds
on the fronts. Allow the plates to dry. Then staple each child's
plates together, front sides facing, to make an "apple,"
leaving a small opening at the top for peeking at the seeds
inside. To complete, help the children glue on stem and leaf
shapes cut from construction paper.
If you live where there are rocks, you can help your children
search for round smooth stones to use for "apples".
After washing the stones and allowing them to dry, have
the children brush on red tempera paint, covering their
stones completely. When the paint has dried, help the
children cut stem and leaf shapes out of construction
paper to glue to the tops of their apples. |
Set out several different kinds and colors of apples. With your
children, use the apples for the following activities.
Sort the apples by color and count them. How many red
apples are there? Green apples? Yellow ones? |
Sort and count the apples by kind. |
Weigh two apples at a time. Which is heaviest? Which
is lightest? |
Line up the apples from smallest to largest. |
For each of your children, make a set of sequence picture
cards that show how an apple grows: a seed in the ground,
a sprouting seed, a small tree, a leafy tree, and a tree
with apples on it. Let the children color their cards
as desired and store them in individual envelopes. To
play with their cards, have the children remove them from
the envelopes and line them up in the proper order. |
Cut apple shapes out of red construction paper. On each
shape, glue a magazine picture of a familiar item, such
as car or a hat. Place the apple shapes in a box. Sit
with your children and invite them to take turns choosing
a shape and naming the picture on it. Then have the other
children try to name a word that rhymes with the name
of the picture. Give help as needed, continuing until
everyone has had a turn.
Celebrate Johnny Appleseed's birthday on September
26. Talk about how he walked through the Midwest
long ago planting apple trees for all to enjoy. |
Guess how many apple seeds might be inside an
apple. Cut open the apple and count. Try predicting
again with another apple. How close were the guesses? |
Examine whole seeds and seeds cut in half with
magnifying glasses. |
Compare apple seeds with seeds from other fruits,
such as an orange, a peach, and a mango. |