Let your children try one or more of these art activities.
Glue orange pictures cut or torn from
magazines onto orange paper. |
Make pumpkins by painting paper plates orange and pressing
on orange tissue paper or crepe-paper squares. |
Brush orange tempera paint onto real pumpkins. |
For each of your children, provide a tray with some red
and yellow finger paint on it. Invite each child to mix
the colors together by finger-painting a design on his
or her tray. Help the child place a paper on top of the
design and gently rub a hand over it. Then lift the paper
to reveal a print of the child's finger-painted design
on the back. |
Find a piece of wide-lined paper for each of your children.
On each paper, number the lines from 1 to 5 down the left-hand
side. Set out orange washable inkpads and fine-point green
markers. Have the children name the numerals on their
papers and make matching numbers of orange fingerprints
on the lines. Then show them how to turn their fingerprints
into pumpkins by adding green-marker stems. |
Sit with your children at a table and show them several
orange objects, such as a small pumpkin, an orange crayon,
a carrot, an orange, and a piece of orange paper. Have
the children cover their eyes as you remove one of the
items. When the children uncover their eyes, ask them
to tell which item is missing. Let the first child to
answer correctly remove an item for the next round of
the game. Continue until everyone has had a turn. |
Hang plain white paper on a wall and invite your children
to sit with you in front of it. Start telling a story that
contains various orange items and details. As you do so, use
orange crayons or markers to illustrate your story. Continue
to the story's end. Then invite the children to use your illustrations
to retell the story in their own words.
Help your children try these experiments for making orange.
Put together squares cut from red and yellow clear-plastic
report covers. |
Squeeze drops of red and yellow food coloring into
a glass of water. |
Tune: "Three Blind Mice"
We love orange, we love orange.
Yes we do, yes we do--
Crunchy carrots so good to eat,
Juicy oranges, oh so sweet,
Pumpkins ready for trick-or-treat.
Yes, we love orange.
Choose one or more of the orange foods below to serve at snacktime.
Orange sections |
Carrot sticks |
Cheddar cheese cubes |
Orange juice |
Cantaloupe chunks |
Dried apricots |