Cut out magazine and catalog pictures of people of all ages
and cultures. Also include pictures of pets. Set out the pictures
and invite your children to choose those that resemble their
own family members. Then let them glue the pictures onto large
pieces of construction paper that have been cut into house shapes.
Let your children try the following ideas for making puppet
families. Encourage them to name their puppets and use
them to "talk" with one another.
Decorate different sizes of gingerbread-man shapes
cut out of poster board to look like family members.
Glue craft stick handles to the backs of the shapes. |
Draw family member faces on large and small craft
sticks. Glue on yarn hair plus clothing made from
paper or fabric scraps. |
Ask your children to draw pictures of their families.
Then count with each child the number of people in his
or her family and write the corresponding numeral on the
child's paper. Display the pictures on a wall and discuss
them with your group. Help the children to understand
that families come in all sizes. |
Try one or both of these ideas with your group.
Fashion family member figures out of felt and
invite your children to play with them on a flannel
board. Encourage the children to make up stories
about the families. |
Mount magazine pictures of "family members"
on heavy paper. Attach small magnets to the backs
and place them on a magnetic surface for your children
to play with. |
Help your children trace around their hands on paper and cut
out the shapes. Have them dictate ways that they help out
at home, such as putting away their toys or raking leaves,
for you to write down on their paper hands. Let the children
decorate their shapes with crayons or markers. Then use their
finished creations to make a Helping Hands display on a wall
or a bulletin board.
Challenge your children to create "families" using
various sizes of small objects, such as rocks, twigs, blocks,
unshelled nuts, or dried pasta shapes. Let them play with their
families in a pretend dollhouse or a real one. Or draw a floor
plan of a home on large paper for a play area.
Tune: "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
What does Michael like to do,
Like to do, like to do?
What does Michael like to do
With his family? (Michael responds.)
Michael likes to go on rides,
Go on rides, go on rides.
Michael likes to go on rides
With his family.
Sing the song for each of your children, substituting the child's
name for "Michael" and what the child likes to do
for "go on rides."
Talk about how family members sometimes work together to make
a meal. Then plan to make a cooperative dish with your group
to serve at snacktime, such as vegetable soup (let each child
contribute a veggie) or cookies (have everyone take part in
cutting out cookie shapes and helping with the decorating). |