Let your children use old wax candles to draw pictures or
designs on pieces of white construction paper. Make a wash
by mixing a bright color of tempera paint with a little water.
Then invite the children to brush the wash over their papers
to make their wax pictures magically appear.
Give your children short cardboard tubes to paint any
color they wish for candles. Help them glue their candles
in the center of small paper plates. Give them yellow
paper flame shapes to glue inside the top of their candles,
or have them poke squares of yellow tissue paper into
the candle tops for flames. To complete, let them glue
small pine cones and other nature items around the base
of their candles |
Cut five candle shapes from any bright color of felt and
five flame shapes from yellow or orange felt. Using a
marker, number the flames from 1 to 5 and draw matching
numbers of dots on the candles. Place the candles on a
flannel board. Then let your children count the dots on
the candles and place the matching numbered flame shapes
above each one. |
Collect matching pairs of candles for your children to
use when playing these games.
Match pairs of different colored candles. |
Match pairs of candles with different scents. |
Match pairs of candles that come in different
shapes, such as animals or cars. |
Draw a large candle picture on paper and tape it to a wall at
your children’s eye level. Make a paper flame shape for each
child with his or her name on it. Attach a loop of masking tape,
rolled sticky side out, to the back of each flame. Then let
the children take turns closing their eyes and trying to stick
their flame shapes to the top of the candle. Did anyone come
close to “lighting” it? Remove the flames and start the game
Place a tea candle on the floor. Recite the nursery rhyme “Jack
Be Nimble,” below, each time substituting the name of one of
your children for “Jack.” As you do so, have the child jump
over the candle. Continue by having the children jump over other
safe objects, such as a small pillow or a line of tape on the
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.
Jack jump over the candlestick.
Tune: "Frere Jacques"
Candles burning, candles burning,
Oh, so bright; oh, so bright.
Shining in the windows,
Shining on the tables.
What a sight, what a sight.
Candles burning, candles burning,
Oh, so bright; oh, so bright.
Candles burn for Christmas,
Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.
What a sight, what a sight.
Serve your children edible candles at snacktime. For each candle,
cut two identical short pieces of celery, stuff them with cream
cheese or peanut butter, then stick the two pieces together
with the filling sides facing. Add a carrot curl “flame” to
the top of the candle.