Oink like pigs |
Roll on the ground like pigs rolling in the mud. |
Read the “Three Little Pigs” |
Make pink paint by mixing red and white paint. |
Cut pink circles around and around to make pig tails. |
Make a list of words that rhyme with “pig”, such as; big, wig, dig and fig. |
Find out what pigs like to eat. |
Recite the rhyme “To Market, To Market” (to buy a fat pig). |
Sing about Old MacDonald’s Pig. |
Discuss how pigs are also referred to as “hogs”. |
From Egg Carton Cups - Cut out the cups from a cardboard egg carton and let your children paint them pink. When dry, have your children color black nostrils on the flat side of their egg cup. Tie string onto the sides of each cup and help your children tie on the cups over their noses for “pig” noses. |
From Toilet Tissue Rolls - Take clean toilet tissue tubes and cut them into two inch sections. Tie string onto the sides of each section and help your children tie one of the tubes over their noses for “pig” noses. |
Let your children help you make pink play dough by adding a small amount of red food coloring to the water. |
When finished making, set out the play dough and let your child fashion pig shapes out of the dough. |
Variation: If you think your children are too young to make simple pig shapes, you could make brown play dough and give them small plastic pig shapes. Have your children pretend that the play dough is mud and encourage them to have their pigs play in the mud. |
Give each of your children a pink paper plate. |
Then give them each two brown, 1” circles and one brown 2” circle. |
Set out some glue and have your children glue the large circle in the middle of their plate (for a snout) and the two smaller circles on either side of the top of the plate for (ears). |
Set out marking pens for your children to add eyes and a mouth. |
TWO MOTHER PIGS – A counting game
Cut out two large mother felt pigs and eight smaller baby felt pigs. |
Place the two mother pigs on a felt board. |
Recite the following rhyme:
“TWo mother pigs lived in a pen.
Each had four babies and that made ten.” |
Then add the eight baby pigs to the board. |
Encourage your children to play with the felt board and count the number of mother pigs, the number of baby pigs and the number of pigs all together. |
Teach the rhyme to your children. |
NINE LITTLE PIGS – Another counting felt board rhyme.
Cut out nine pink felt small pig shapes. |
Place them on a felt board with a red felt barn. |
Have your children count the pigs on the board while you all sing the song:
Tune: “Ten Little Indians”
One little, two little, three little pigs,
Four little, five little, six little pigs,
Seven little, eight little, nine little pigs.
In the barnyard.
Adapted Traditional
MOTHER PIG – A Listening Game
This is a large group game. You will need six to 12 children.
One child is chosen to be the Mother pig and goes out of the area. |
Another child is chosen to be the baby pig. |
All the children put their heads down. |
The mother pig is asked to come back in. |
When she comes in, she will be looking for her baby pig. |
While she is looking, the child chosen to be the baby big, softly “Oinks”. |
The mother pig gets to walk around trying to find her baby by listening for the babies sound. |
If the mother pig has not found her baby within one minute, the teacher directs the baby pig to stand up. |
Continue playing by choosing a new mother and baby pig. |
THREE LITTLE PIGS – Dramatic fun.
Read the story to your children. |
Then have them choose parts and while you reread the story, or tell it, have your children act out the parts of the three pigs and the home wrecking wolf. |
Discuss the word pig with your children. |
Have them listen to the sound of the end of the word “ig”. |
Then have them try to think of other words they know that also end with the same sound. |
Make a list of the “ig” words your children can think of. Most common: Big, Fig, Wig, Dig
Look for stories at your local library that have a pig as one of the main characters. |
A couple of suggestions:
If You Give A Pig A Pancake
Little Pink Pig
If You Give A Pig A Party |
Your children will love learning about why for pigs, rolling around in the mud is a good thing.
First of all, mud is great for the pigs skin. It keeps it from getting sun burned and it also keeps the bugs from biting. |
Mud also helps keep the pigs cool in the summer. Pigs like to make a “mud hole” a hole in the ground filled with mud, into which they can roll around in or just sink into. |
ADDITIONAL MUD ACTIVITIES –can be found in our Mud Unit at the Theme Station.
Pigs provide us with:
Grains, like corn, barley, etc. |
Farmers often mix grains with water to make a “Mash” for pigs. |
Pigs also like to root in the ground for plant roots and small bugs. |
They also like to eat dirt (for the nutrients) but I’m not sure I would mention this. |
Set out cooked pork sausage, cut in half. |
Set out little squares of toast (cut toast into fourths) |
Show your child how to wrap a piece of toast around a piece of sausage.
Set out small bowls of cornflakes. |
Let your children add some milk (instead of water) |
Stir it around in the bowl and then eat the mash. |
This song is sung to the tune of “An Old Women” or it can just be chanted with the children adding the, “Oinks” at the end of some lines.
An old women bought a little pig,
Oink, oink, oink, - oink, oink, oink!
An old women bought a little pig,
It didn’t cost much, ‘cause it wasn’t very big,
Oink, oink, oink – oink, oink, oink!
Soon that pig did lot’s of harm,
Oink, oink, oink, - oink, oink, oink!
Soon that pig did lot’s of harm,
As it ran around the farm,
Oink, oink, oink – oink, oink, oink!
An old woman chased that pig,
Oink, oink, oink – oink, oink, oink!
An old woman chased that pig,
He was hard to catch, ‘cause he wasn’t very big,
Oink, oink, oink – oink, oink, oink!
Then the woman sold her pig,
Oink, oink, oink – oink, oink, oink!
Then the woman sold her pig,
She went back home and danced a jig,
Oink, oink, oink – oink, oink, oink!
Adapted Traditional
You can also do this rhyme as a “round”, where the rhyme keeps going with other animals substituted for the pig and other animal sounds replacing the oinks.
As a round, the song would go on like this.
Then the woman sold her pig,
Oink, oink, oink, - oink, oink, oink!
Then the woman sold her pig,
And bought a cow that wasn’t very big,
Moo, moo, moo – moo, moo, moo!
The little cow did lots of harm,
Moo, moo, moo – moo, moo, moo!
Continue as interest lasts, replacing each animal with another farm animal.
This would be fun to act out, letting your children be the different animals.
Tune: “The Wheels On the Bus”
Oh, the pigs on the farm, go oink, oink, oink,
Oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink.
Oh, the pigs on the farm, go oink, oink, oink,
All day long.
Adapted Traditional
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, jiggity – jig.
(You could continue with)
To market, to market, to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggity – jog.
Jean Warren
Tune: “Old Mac Donald”
Old Mac Donald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
And on this farm, he had some pigs, e-i-e-i-o.
With an oink, oink here and an oink, oink there,
Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink, oink,
Old Mac Donald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
Tune: “Up On The Housetop”
Down on the farm we love to play
In the mud, all through the day.
That is why we love to spy
Great big rain clouds in the sky.
Rain, rain, rain, we love you.
Rain, rain, rain, yes, we do.
Great big rain clouds in the sky,
Please, oh please, don’t pass us by.
Down in the mud, we make a hole,
Where we like to roll and roll.
That is why we shout “hurray!”
Every time it rains today.
Rain, rain, rain, we love you.
Rain, rain, rain, yes, we do.
Great big rain clouds in the sky,
Please, oh please don’t pass us by.
Jean Warren
© Warren Publishing House
Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Roll, roll, roll around
In the mud all day.
That is what the pigs all do.
What a way to play!
Roll, roll, roll around
That is how they stay,
Oh, so very nice and cool
On a sunny day!
Jean Warren