MY ADDRESS PICTURES (Art/Social Studies)
Give your children large pieces of construction paper along with crayons or markers, and ask them to draw pictures of their houses, condos, or apartment buildings. When they have finished, have them dictate their addresses for you to write on their pictures. Or print their addresses on blank address labels for them to attach to their pictures themselves. Use the pictures for a wall or bulletin board display, if you wish.
PICTURE POSTCARDS (Art/Social Studies)
Bring in several picture postcards and show them to your group. Discuss the pictures on the front side of the cards and the spaces on the back side for a message and an address. Hand out markers plus plain, white 4-by-6-inch index cards. Then invite the children to create their own postcards by drawing pictures or designs on one side of their index cards while you mark off the message and address spaces on the other side. Send the cards home with a letter to parents asking them to help their children write messages on the cards to address, stamp, and mail to relatives or friends.
For each child, make a “mailbox” by folding a large piece of paper in half and stapling the sides closed. Print the child’s name on the mailbox and hang it on the back of the child’s chair. Print each child’s name on the front of a small envelope. Then place the envelopes in a tote bag and have the children take turns being the mail carrier and delivering the mail by matching the names on the envelopes with the names on the mailboxes. Give help as needed.
WRITING AND MAILING LETTERS (Prewriting/Social Studies)
Have your children take turns dictating a letter to a parent or guardian who lives at their home for you to write down on paper. Have the children sign their letters and invite them to add illustrations, if they wish. Then help them fold their letters, place them in envelopes, and address and stamp them. (If desired, ask parents to contribute stamps.) When the children have finished, take them on a walk to mail their letters, and encourage them to watch over the next few days for their mail to be delivered.
Five little letters, not one more, (Hold up five fingers.)
I mailed one to Grandma, and that left four. (Fold down one finger.)
Four little letters written by me,
I mailed one to Grandpa, and that left three. (Fold down two fingers.)
Three little letters in envelopes new,
I mailed one to Auntie, and that left two. (Fold down three fingers.)
Two little letters, adding stamps was fun!
I mailed one to Uncle, and that left one. (Fold down four fingers.)
One little letter, my work was almost done,
I mailed it to my best friend, and that left none. (Fold down five fingers.)
Liz Ryerson
POST OFFICE PLAY CENTER (Social Studies/Dramatic Play)
Use the suggestions below to set up a Post Office Play Center in your room. If possible, arrange ahead of time to take your children on a field trip to a local post office to give them more ideas of fun things to do.
Provide props, such as a desk, stamps, a cash drawer and play money, junk mail, wrapped packages, a small scale, tote bags, and a cardboard carton mailbox. |
Set out shoeboxes with slits cut in the lids for sorting mail. Mark the boxes with shapes, alphabet letters, or numerals, and prepare matching envelopes for each mailbox. |
Let the children do such things as bringing in letters and packages to be weighed and mailed, buying and selling stamps, sorting letters, and delivering mail. |
Tune: “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”
Oh, I’m a little mail carrier,
Delivering mail to your door.
I bring you letters and postcards,
And magazines, parcels, and more.
Mail, mail, mail, mail,
I bring the mail to your door, door, door.
Mail, mail, mail, mail,
I bring you letters and more.
Elizabeth Scofield
Let your children make placemats for snacktime. Collect a number of cancelled postage stamps and attach them to a piece of white paper. Print colored copies of the paper to give to your children. Have them cut out the stamps and glue them onto pieces of construction paper any way they wish to create stamp collages. Then turn the collages into placemats by laminating them or covering them with clear self-stick paper.