Let your children try one or more of these ideas.
Pumpkin Pies: Paint paper circles orange and sprinkle
on pumpkin pie spice. |
Blueberry Pies: Glue dots punched out of blue paper
onto brown circle "crusts." |
Meat Pies: Glue magazine pictures of meats and veggies
onto brown paper plates.
Make play dough using a favorite recipe and work in a
little powdered cinnamon. Set out the dough, along with
such utensils as small rolling pins, small pie pans or
tart pans, plastic knives, and oven mitts. Then invite
your children to use the materials to make pretend pies.
For each of your children, cut five circles out of brown
paper. Number the circles from 1 to 5. Let the children
dip the ends of corks into red paint and stamp matching
numbers of prints on their circles to turn them into "cherry
pies." When the paint has dried, fasten each child's
pies together in numerical order for the child to use
for counting practice. |
Make three "pies" by decorating three thin paper
plates as desired. Cut one pie in half, one into fourths,
and one into eighths. Set out the pie pieces plus another
plate for a pie pan. Challenge your children to put the
pieces together in the pan in various ways to make a whole
pie. |
For each of your children, recite the following version of
"Little Jack Horner, " substituting the child's
name for "Josh." Let the child act out the rhyme
as you recite.
Little Josh Horner
Sat in a corner
Eating his yummy pie.
He stuck in his thumb
And pulled out a plum
And said, "What a good boy am I."
Decorate pairs of small paper plates to resemble different kinds
of pies, such as apple, berry, banana, chocolate cream, and
so on. Mix up the plates and give them to your children to toss
into a large open area. Then invite everyone to pick up a pie
and walk around to find his or her matching "Pie Partner."
(If necessary, join in the game yourself to make an even number
of players.) |
Tune: "Frere Jacques"
Someone's baking, someone's baking
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie.
It's so yummy, yummy
In my tummy, tummy.
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie.
Continue singing about other kinds of pie, such as apple, cherry,
or pecan.
Let your children help you make a favorite kind of pie. (You
might try one made with instant pudding and a ready-to-eat crumb
crust that does not require baking.) Or set out small servings
of several different bakery pies for the children to taste and
compare. Which are favorites?