A ate the cookies in the cookie jar.
B baked the cookies in the cookie jar.
C counted the cookies in the cookie jar.
D dropped the cookies in the cookie jar.
E examined the cookies in the cookie jar.
F frosted the cookies in the cookie jar.
G gobbled the cookies in the cookie jar.
H hid the cookies in the cookie jar.
I inspected the cookies in the cookie jar.
J jellied the cookies in the cookie jar
K kept the cookies in the cookie jar.
L loved the cookies in the cookie jar.
M mixed the cookies in the cookie jar.
N nibbled the cookies in the cookie jar.
O offered the cookies in the cookie jar.
P placed the cookies in the cookie jar.
Q quartered the cookies in the cookie jar.
R robbed the cookies in the cookie jar.
S served the cookies in the cookie jar.
T tasted the cookies in the cookie jar.
U used the cookies in the cookie jar.
V viewed the cookies in the cookie jar.
W wanted the cookies in the cookie jar.
X x-rayed the cookies in the cookie jar.
Y yearned for the cookies in the cookie jar.
Z zapped the cookies in the cookie jar.
You can use this story many ways.
- Use alphabet patterns and give each child a letter to hold. Then have them act out what their letter did with the cookies in the cookie jar.
- Read the story to your children and then ask them what certain letters did with the cookies in the cookie jar.
- Have children choose a letter and illustrate that letter interacting with the cookies in the cookie jar, per the story. Make a class book