Wee Willie Winkie
Looked at his clock.
It was round like a circle
And it said, "8 o'clock".
He grabbed his old square lantern
And hurried 'cross the floor,
Over his oval rug
And out his rectangle door.
He was in such a hurry,
He forgot to change his clothes.
He wore a triangle nightcap
And slippers on his toes.
Wee Willie Winkie
Ran through the night,
With only his square lantern
And the stars to give him light.
He peeked in all the windows
And counted every head,
Making sure the children
Were all home safe in bed!
Use this story to help teach your child about
different shapes.
As you read the story, have her raise her hand every time
she hears the name of a shape.
You could also cut these shapes out of paper and have her
find the correct shape as it comes up in the story. You may
also want to read the original Wee Willie Winkie poem to your