Spring is a great time to help your children increase their vocabularies with names and colors of flowers.
Cut pictures of familiar flowers out of magazines or bulb catalogs. |
Make a book with a different flower pasted on each page. |
Write the name of the flower and it’s color on the bottom of each page. Such as: “A red tulip.” |
Encourage your children to “read” the book to you, naming each flower and it’s color. |
Have your child identify any of these flowers you happen to see in your yard, or while out shopping.
What a great time to think about the sound of “B” and all the fun “B” words your child already knows.
Write “B” words at the top of a piece of paper. |
Tell your child that you are going to write down any word they can think of that starts like the word “bunny”. |
Examples of “B” words your child might recall: basket, bell, box, bag, balloon, bus, baby, bottle, bib, boat, etc. |
If your child has trouble thinking of “B” words, go for a walk around your house and say the names of items you see. I’m sure you will find familiar “B” words. |
Here are a list of rhymes you might want to teach your child, that have spring themes.
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary |
Hot Cross Buns |
Humpty Dumpty |
Eensy Weensy Spider |
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Can be found at the Story Station. |