This game helps young children increase their vocabulary of action words (verbs). |
Find magazine pictures showing people in action pursuits. |
Cut out the pictures and glue them to index cards. |
Write the action words at the bottom of each card. For example: you could make picture cards for verbs such as run, climb, laugh, hug, stretch, paint, splash, and dance. |
Put the cards in a pile. |
Have your children choose a card and, without showing the card to anyone else, act out the motion shown on it. |
Let the children try to guess what the word or action is. |
Play until everyone has had a turn. |
Variation: You can play this game with just one child, by alternating turns between yourself and the child. |
Take your child or children to the playgound to play this opposites game.
Say a word such as up, in, above, or under. |
Have your child name the opposite of the word and look for a way to demonstrate it on the playground. |
For example, if you say “down”, the child would say “up” and climb up to the top of the climber. |
Continue with other opposites. |
Help your child learn the words north, south, east, and west by playing this simple game.
Secretly hide a few gold coins or other shiny objects somewhere in your yard. |
Write north, south, east, and west on separate sheets of paper. |
Hang up each paper in the appropriate section of your yard. |
Review the word cards and how they are pronounces. Point out the beginning sounds of each word. |
Now guide your child on a treasure hunt by giving him verbal directions, such as, “Walk north until I tell you to stop. Stop now and turn to the east. Take five large steps and stop. Take one step west and look south.” |
Here is a fun game to help your child learn words that rhyme with “rat”. |
Place a small toy cat at the bottom of a small set of stairs. |
Take turns with your child naming words that rhyme with “cat”. |
Each time one of you names a word, have your child move the cat up one step. |
How far can the cat climb? |