Learning to tell jokes can help preschoolers learn important social as well as language skills.![Turkey](../images/nov01/turkey.jpg)
- What key has legs and cannot open doors? (A turkey)
- What happened when the turkey got into a fight? (He got the stuffing knocked out of him.)
- Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? (The outside)
- Why didn’t the turkey want dessert? (He was already stuffed)
- What kind of music did the Pilgrims like to play? (Plymouth Rock)
- What’s the best thing in a Pumpkin pie? (Your teeth)
- Why are Thanksgiving turkeys and Teddy Bears alike? (They are both filled with stuffing)
- Knock, Knock, who’s there? Phillip. Phillip who? Phillip a plate and dig in!
- Knock, Knock, who’s there? Tamara. Tamara who? Tamara we will eat leftovers!