Using the large shamrock pattern, print
one or more out using green paper. |
Cut out the shamrock and give it to your
child, along with some glue in a bowl, a small brush and some
green glitter. |
Have your child brush glue onto the shamrock
and then sprinkle it with glitter. |
It is a little less messy, if you have them
place the shamrock in a box lid before adding the glitter. |
Using any size pattern, print out a shamrock for your child.
Cut the shamrock out or leave it as is. |
Give your child a stack of 1" squares of green tissue
paper. |
Have them twist them around a finger, then dip it into some
glue and place it on the shamrock with the cut edges sticking
out. |
Have them do this all over the shamrock. |
These are a bit time consuming, so judge the size of the shamrock
on the age and attention span of your child.
Print out some large shamrocks. |
Do not cut them out. |
Give them to your child and let him fingerpaint all over the
paper with green finger paint. |
When they are dry, cut them into the shamrock shape. |
Use as room decorations. |
Print out eight small shamrocks and let your children color
them green. |
Cut out the shamrocks and punch a hole in the middle of each
one. |
Now, Take an 18" piece of green or white
yarn and tie a knot on one end. |
Then, let your child slide one shamrock onto
the yarn, down to the knot. |
Next, tie another knot up about 2" and
have your child slide on another one. |
Continue until all of the shamrocks are on the
string, or until you run out of string. |
Help your child hang up her Leprechaun Ladder. |
Tell her that the ladder attracts Leprechauns
who like to climb it during the night. |
Leave the ladders hanging up, and one night
sprinkle some white powder on the shamrocks. |