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Using the small heart pattern, cut out 10 hearts from different fabrics or papers.
Give the hearts to your child along with a piece of paper, some glue in a bowl and a small brush.
Have your child glue the hearts on his paper, however, he chooses.
Using the large heart pattern, cut out a large heart for your child.
Give her the heart plus some miscellaneous collage materials, such as; sequins, lace, small buttons, rick-rack, shinny paper, etc.
Have your child spread glue onto her heart and decorate, however she wishes, with the collage materials.
Use all sizes of the heart patterns to make Valentines.
Decorate with magazine pictures, doilies, confetti, markers or doilies.
Using the large pattern, cut two hearts out of heavy paper.
Then, cut a picture sized shape in the middle of one of the hearts with a utility knief.
Let your child decorate the cut heart frame by gluing on small buttons, feathers, or other handy craft materials.
Place a picture of your child behind the cutout shape, then glue the uncut heart onto the back.
Give Valentine Frames to family or friends.
COLOR HEARTS - A Valentine Flannelboard Story
Using the medium pattern, cut out 5 felt hearts (one red, one blue, one yellow, one green and one pink).
Place them on a felt or flannelboard.
As you recite the following rhyme, have your child remove the appropriate hearts, as you tell about them leaving.

Red heart, red heart
What do you say?

I say, "I think
I'll fly away".

Blue heart, blue heart
What do you say?

I say, "I think
I'll go and play".

Yellow heart, yellow heart
What do you say?

I say, "I think
I'll leave
I cannot stay".

Green heart, green heart
What do you say?

I say, "I think
I'll come back
Again in May".

Pink heart, pink heart
What do you say?

I say, "I think
I'll stay all day!
Jean Warren