
- Take a small index card and write on the plain side: “Party for ______ Down on Old MacDonald’s Farm”.
- List party particulars on the back side of the card.
- Decorate with farm stickers.
- Place in a small business envelope, add some farm stickers.
- COWBOY NECK SCARFS – Boys can tie them around their necks, girls can do the same or wear them as a scarf on their heads.
- STORYBOOKS – Give each child their own small copy of the story about “Old MacDonald”.
- PLASTIC FARM ANIMALS – Give each child 4-5 small plastic farm animals as prizes.
- Use checkered table cloths and napkins.
- Perhaps decorate with a bale of hay.
- Set up a rocking horse with a cowboy hat for your guest to take turns on.
- Place farm animal balloons around the party area.
- Homemade ice cream. Rent or borrow an ice cream maker if you don’t have one. Let the birthday child choose the ice cream flavor.
- Make frosted cupcakes. Decorate with small plastic farm animals.
- Set out a veggie tray with fresh fruits and veggies from a farm; such as; small carrots, sugar peas; apple slices; strawberries.
- Watermelon slices
- Chicken nuggets
- FARM – Take your group to a local farm for an outing or perhaps to the farm section of a local zoo.
- SONGS - Sing farm animal songs with your children; such as; “Old MacDonald”.
- SEWING SAMPLERS - Cut out burlap squares for each child. Purchase some large plastic needles and cut up some 12” yarn sections. Thread a needle with some yarn for each child. Have children practice sewing on a burlap square
- MAKE BUTTER – Let each child have one or more turns to help make butter. First fill one or two small glass jars half full with heavy whipping cream. Then, let the children take turns shaking the jar. After about 6 minutes of shaking the cream will be whipped. After another minute or so, lumps of yellow butter will form. Rinse off the liquid whey and add a little salt. Then spread the butter on crackers for tasting.
- BARNYARD PLACEMATS - Set out some large construction paper; some farm animal stamps and some stamp pads. Let the children stamp farm animals on their papers. When they are finished, have them draw or you draw a fence around all of their animals.
- Play pin the tail on the donkey.
- Play “Who Am I” with farm animals. Let children take turns being it. Whisper the name of a farm animal in the child’s ear. Have him pretend to be the animal by his sounds and actions.
- Play “The Farmer In The Dell” – Start with the first verse, choosing one child to be “The Farmer”, have him choose his “Wife”. Have the wife choose a “Child”. Have the child choose, a farm animal and so on depending on the number of children in your group.
- PIG CHASE – Chose a child to be the “Old Woman” and a child to be the “Pig”. Sing the song; “An Old Woman” (Music Station- Pig Song) and have the children take turns acting out the story. If the pig is caught, the “Old Woman” gets to be the pig and another “Old Woman is chosen. If the boys would prefer, the song can be sung as “An Old Man”.