You could use any card invitation that shows a boat, car, truck or airplane. |
Or you could make your own invitation and use transportation stickers on it.
Make or buy small plastic boats to fill with nuts and candies. |
Small cars could be used to decorate the top of a cake or cupcakes. |
Give small toy planes, cars, boats, or trucks as favors. |
Tape pictures of cars, trucks, boats or planes to the wall. |
Model airplanes could hang from the ceiling. |
Look for balloons with vehicles on them for decorations.
Train Cake – A birthday cake can be made to resemble a train by cutting a sheet cake into six rectangular pieces. Turn them sideways and cover them with frosting. A marshmallow could be placed on the front of the first one to represent a smoke stack. Marshmallows cut in half can be stuck on the sides with toothpicks to represent wheels. |
Food Trays – Children could be lined up in chairs, one behind the other and served a light lunch on snack trays (as if they were riding on a plane). Finger foods could be served. Drinks could be served last. |
Making Paper Airplanes – Let the children fold their own planes (if they are old enough) or make a paper airplane for each child. Let the children decorate their planes, with markers, stickers, etc. Small Styrofoam or balsa wood planes could also be used. |
Making Ferry Boats – Collect car brochures from new car dealers. Cut out the pictures of cars. Give each child a piece of 8 ½” x 11” piece of paper. Have them fold the up two opposite sides to create a ferry barge. Next, give them the car cutouts and some glue and have them glue the cars onto the floor of their ferry all facing in the same direction. Finally give them some large circle stickers to place on the upturned sides for portholes. |
Make up cards with pictures of different types of transportation vehicles. |
Mix up the cards and let each child take a turn drawing a card. |
Then, let each child take a turn acting out the vehicle on his card. |
While other children try to guess what vehicle is on his card. |
Questions can be answered with only a "yes" or a "no". |
Example: Does it have wheels? or Can it go in the water?
One child is chosen to be the engine of a train. |
He chugs around the room and then backs up into another child. |
This child connects onto the train by holding on to the waist of the engine. |
Then these two children chug around the room and then back into another child. |
The game continues until all of the children have hooked onto the train. |
Play this game the same as “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”. |
Tape a picture of a sailboat on the wall and give each child a small flag to attach to the top of the sail when it is their turn. |
Child with the closest flag to the top of the sail, wins a prize.
Have the children use the planes they made earlier. |
Have children take turns flying their plane across the room. |
Give a prize to the child who’s plane flew the farthest. |