
There was a little turtle. (Make a fist in one hand)
He lived in a box. (Make a box with both hands)
He swam in a puddle. (Make swimming motions)
He climbed on the rocks. (Have the fingers on one hand climb up
the other arm)
He snapped at a mosquito. (Clap hands)
He snapped at a flea. (Stick out tongue)
He snapped at a minnow. (Dip hand down to catch a fish)
He snapped at me. (Point to self)
He caught the mosquito. (Grab with hand)
He caught the flea. (Grab with hand)
He caught the minnow. (Grab with hand)
But he didn't catch me! (Run away)
I had a little turtle, his name was Tiny Tim.
I put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap.
And now he's sick in bed, with a bubble in his throat!
Tune: "On Top of Old Smokey"
Some turtles swim over the ocean.
Some turtles swim over the sea.
Some turtles grow very big
As big as you and me.
Turtles, turtles, swimming here and there.
Turtles, turtles, turtles everywhere.
This is my little turtle. (Make fist)
He lives alone in a shell.
He likes his little home.
He thinks it's really swell.
He pokes out his head (Poke out thumb)
When he wants to eat.
Then he pulls it back in. (Hide thumb in fist)
When he wants to sleep.