- Show me how to get along with others.
- Give me opportunities to make new friends.
- Encourage me to speak in complete sentences.
- Help me learn to follow simple routines.
- Provide times for me to be separated from you.
- Give me opportunities to take turns.
- Help me learn to maintain self-control.
- Show me how to practice good manners.
- Encourage me to listen to others without interrupting.
- Help me learn empathy for others.
- Help me learn that my actions have consequences.
- Give me opportunities to work independently.
- Give me opportunities to be responsible.
- Be sure I know words to express how I feel.
- Teach me to manage my own bathroom needs.
- Teach me the names of my body parts.
- Allow me to dress myself.
- Teach me my full name, age, phone number and parents
- Show me how to care for my own belongings.
- Encourage me to clean up after myself.
- Expect me to put away my own toys.
COORDINATION SKILLS (Both large and small
muscle control)
- Give me opportunities to run, jump, hop and march.
- Let me practice walking in a straight line.
- Play ball with me.
- Let me build with blocks.
- Let me practice opening and closing things.
- Show me how to fasten clothing.
- Let me practice writing my name and other letters.
- Give me opportunities to cut out simple shapes.
- Let me paste objects on paper.
- Help me learn to recognize likes and differences.
- Encourage my curiosity about the world.
- Help me notice cause and effects.
- Encourage me to create collections.
- Encourage me to observe nature.
- Give me opportunities to experiment, make predictions
and deductions.
- Let me experience things using all my five senses.
- Give me opportunities to help prepare snacks.
- Help me learn to recognize basic colors.
- Give me opportunities to weight objects.
- Help me understand relationships between things.
- Provide opportunities to learn spatial relationships;
such as above, below and next to.
- Help me discover things that are part and things that
are whole.
- Help me learn to recognize basic shapes.
- Provide me opportunities to sort and match objects by
color, size and shape.
- Point out groups to me in sets of two, three, four and
- Play counting games with me so I can learn to count to
- Point out general times of the day, such as; “It’s 8
o’clock, time for bed”.
- Show me ways to measure things, such as; with measuring
spoons or rulers.
- Help me understand positions, such as; First, Second
and Third.
- Give me opportunities to follow a pattern and put things
in order.
- Give me puzzles to solve with 4 – 12 pieces
- Help me learn to estimate.
- Give me the opportunity and the materials to express
myself through art, music, dance, cooking, construction
and drama.
- Help me learn to make choices.
- Encourage invention and experimentation.
- Let me pretend and imagine.
- Provide opportunities to ponder and wonder.
- Encourage my interests and talents.
LANGUAGE SKILLS (Reading Readiness Skills)
- Provide opportunities for me to learn to recognize rhyming
sounds and words.
- Help me to retell simple stories in sequence.
- Encourage me to make up my own stories.
- Demonstrate how I should read from left to right.
- Teach me the letters of the alphabet.
- Teach me simple nursery rhymes, songs and stories.
- Teach me the sounds of the letters in my name.
- Help me identify the beginning sound of some words.
- Encourage me to remember some beginning sight words.
- Point out opposite words.
- Encourage me to “read” picture books.
- Be sure that I understand common basic words.