Here is a fun card idea for Dad, adapted from an idea by Martha
Using heavy brown paper, cut out a large baseball mitt shape
for your child. |
Then, using a hole punch, punch holes around the top and
side edges of the mitt. |
Next, tie a 12" piece of yarn onto the bottom hole
on one side and wrap some tape around the opposite end of
the yarn for a needle. |
Have your child sew around the mitt, looping the yarn over
the outside edge of the mitt for each stitch. (Attach additional
yarn if needed) |
Next, cut out a large white star shape and write "To
An All Star Dad" on it. |
Glue the star onto the center of the mitt and have your
child write, his name on the bottom of the card. |
Make a blank card by folding a piece of heavy paper in half. Give
your child a photo cutout of Dad to glue onto the front of the card.
Then invite him to add details around the cutout, using crayons or
markers. Inside the card, write "Happy Father's Day" along
with a message dictated by your child. To complete, help him sign
his name or stamp on his thumbprint.
For a fun Father's Day surprise, use colored chalk to
print "I Love You, Dad" or a similar holiday greeting
on an outdoor sidewalk or concrete patio. Then give the chalk to
your child and let her illustrate the greeting. When she is satisfied
with her creation, encourage her to lead Dad outside to view his
special Father's Day message.
Select five jumbo craft sticks and line them up evenly with the long
sides touching. Using a marker, print one letter on each stick to
spell out the word "DADDY." Then mix up the sticks, give
them to your child, and invite him to put them back together in the
proper order. If you wish, print the word on a card for your child
to use as a guide when working the puzzle.
Let your child enjoy activities like these on Dad's special
Start with a circle drawn on paper. Take turns with Dad adding
details to the shape to create a one-of-a-kind cartoon character.
Give the character a name. |
Have Dad begin by telling or reading a favorite story from
his childhood. Then have your child tell or "read"
a favorite story to Dad. |
Take turns with Dad tossing crumpled newspaper balls into
a basket. Count together the number of balls that made it inside. |
Encourage your child to show appreciation for Dad by helping in such
ways as these.
Washing the car together |
Sorting small hardware items into containers |
Pulling weeds
Here's a fun activity for your child try while Dad is shaving. Use
a crayon to draw a man's face on a piece of heavy, colored paper.
Squirt some shaving cream onto the face where a beard might grow.
Then let your child use a craft stick to "shave" the cream
off the face picture. |
Tune: "London Bridge"
Happy Father's Day to you,
Day to you, Day to you.
Happy Father's Day to you.
Love you, Daddy! You're the best dad; yes, it's true,
Yes, it's true; yes, it's true.
You're the best dad; yes, it's true.
Love you, Daddy!
Let your child help make a batch of popcorn for Dad. Then have her
turn the warm, buttered treat into something special by sprinkling
on one of the flavorings below.
Grated Parmesan cheese |
A mixture of cinnamon and sugar |
Taco seasoning |