After a corn-on-the-cob meal, set aside several of the leftover corncobs to dry.
- Pour small amounts of red and green tempera paint into separate shallow pans.
- Set out the dried corncobs.
- Give your children pieces of black construction paper.
- Invite your children to take a cob and roll it in one of the paint pans, then then roll it across their papers.
- Let the paint dry, then dip another cob in the second color and roll it across their papers.
- Use the children’s paintings as room decorations.
Teach your children how to braid with this activity. You will need 12” red, green and black yarn strips.
- Working with one child at a time, tie a red, green and black yarn strip onto the back of a chair or on a door knob.
- Show the child how to separate the three colors of yarn, then how to braid the three colors together into a length of braid.
- When the child is done, carefully remove the yarn from its holder, then tie the yarn ends together to make a yarn bracelet.
- Clip off remaining yarn.
- Set out some red, green and black paper chain strips (approximately 1” x 6”).
- Have your children link together 12 paper strips to make a 12 day calendar.
- Send the chain calendars home 12 days before Kwanzaa.
- Have children hang up their calendars at home and remove one link each day until there is only one link left and it is time for Kwanzaa to begin.
Older preschoolers should be able to weave this placemats without much help.
Take a large piece of construction paper (12 x 18) and fold it in half cross-wise. |
Then take a ruler and mark along the fold every inch. |
Then cut from each mark through the folded paper down to within an inch of the opposite side. |
Now take another piece of paper and cut out 1” x 12” strips. |
Papers can be the same color or different colors. |
Now lay out the larger cut paper and show your child how to weave the paper strips in and out of the paper slits on the place mat. |
Every other strip should be started going under rather than over. |
When the place mat is filled with woven strips, set out some glue and have your child glue down the loose ends on the edges.
You will need some large red and green straws for this project.
Cut the straws into 1” sections. |
Give your child a black yarn piece (approx. 7” long). |
Help your child wrap some tape around one end of his yarn section, then using the taped end as a needle, lace on straw sections in a red/ green pattern. |
When finished, help your child tie the ends together to create a bracelet.
You will need some red, green and black construction paper for this project.
Since Kwanzaa lasts for seven days, try using the holiday to reinforce your child’s understanding of the number seven. Here are a few quick things you can do together.
Count out seven spoons, seven straws, or seven napkins. |
Clap hands or stomp feet seven times. |
Count going up seven steps, then down. |
Count out seven ears of corn. |
WHAT’S INSIDE THE GIFT BAG? You will need a large soft sided bag for this game.
You can make a matching game with a package of vegetable stickers and some small plain index cards.
- For each of your children, print an uppercase and a lowercase K in the middle of a piece of construction paper.
- Make a sign that says “Kwanzaa” and discuss with the children the beginning letter K and its sound.
- Then set out washable inkpads plus rubber stamps in the shapes of such things as kites, kittens, and kangaroos, and let the children decorate their papers with stamped-on prints.
- When the children are done, ask them to name the “K” pictures on their papers.
Togetherness is an important part of the Kwanzaa celebration, so each day, plan one activity your child can enjoy doing with the whole family. Suggestions:
Learning a new song together. |
Watching a favorite video. |
Going for a walk or a ride. |
Playing a new game. |
Reading a favorite story. |
Cooking together. |
- Set out two each of various kinds of fruits and vegetables that have seeds inside, such as apples, pears, oranges, acorn squash, and avocados.
- Have your children observe as you cut one of each fruit or vegetable in half and remove the seeds. (Save the cut up fruits and vegetables for other uses.)
- Put the seeds on separate paper plates.
- Now have your children take turns placing the remaining fruits and vegetables next to their seeds on the paper plates.
Extension: You could have children glue the seeds onto a construction paper cutout of the fruit or vegetable from which they come. |
To show your child how many days it is until Kwanzaa, help her make a paper chain that has that number of loops on it. Label each loop with a task your child could do to help get ready for the holiday. Such as;
Dusting furniture |
Putting up decorations |
Making a gift |
Water the plants |
Make placemats |
Tune: “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again”
The children are marching into town, hooray, hooray.
The children are marching in a great big Kwanzaa Parade.
Some have flags of black, red, and green.
Some have fruits, the best I’ve seen.
Oh, we’re oh, so glad that the children could come today.
The children are marching into town, hooray, hooray.
Some have ears of corn as they come our way.
Some beat drums as they march along.
Some clap their hands as they sing our song.
Oh, we’re oh, so glad that the children could come today.
Jean Warren
Provide children with appropriate props to carry as they march around the room.
Encourage your child to use her corn shaker when dancing to music on the radio. |
Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
Kwanzaa candles black, red, green,
Prettiest candles we’ve ever seen.
We will light them one by one
Up to seven, then we’re done.
Kwanzaa candles back, red, green,
Prettiest candles we’ve ever seen.
Liz Ryerson
Kwanzaa songs and rhymes can be found at the Music Station under Winter Songs |
Boil slowly together in a big pot.
I cup fresh or flaked coconut
1 cup sugar
½ cup water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon ginger
Keep stirring until the mixture turns golden brown.
Spread on a greased cookie sheet.
When mixture cools and sets,
Cut it into squares and serve as a snack.
Recipe from Deanne B. Wright
Remind your child that the word “Kwanzaa” means “first fruits”.
Plan a family soup night and let everyone help out by cleaning and chopping vegetables to place in the soup. |