You will need some small 3 x 4 inch blank cards for this game.
Pick six or seven letters that your child is familiar with and print the letters on two cards, each. |
Mix up the cards. |
Then turn the cards face down on a table. |
Take turns with your child, turning over two cards. |
When you have a match, you get to keep the card set. |
If you do not have a match when you turn over two cards, you must turn them back over and lose your turn. |
It is important to remember where each letter was when turning over cards. |
The person with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner. |
Make a set of letter bingo cards for your child using the letters that he knows and the new ones he is learning. |
Rather than using the Bingo letters at the top of the cards, you may want to make each column a different color at the top. |
This way your child can be concentrating on the letters in the game rather than mixing them up with the letters at the top.
This is a letter game your child can play by herself.
Make two cards 9 x 9 inches square. |
Using a pencil and a ruler, mark the squares into 9 – 3inch squares. |
Choose nine letters your child is familiar with and write them in the nine squares on both cards. |
Take one of the cards and cut out the nine small squares. |
Give the large card to your child and the stack of small cards. |
Have your child pick up a small card and find its mate on the large card. |
Continue until all of the letters are matched up. |
Get a flashlight and turn off the lights in a room with your child. |
Using the flashlight, make giant letters on a wall. |
Have your child name the letters that you make.
You will need some alphabet magnet letters for this game.
Take a small bag and place two letters in the bag, that your child is familiar with. |
Call out one of the letters and have your child reach into the bag and find the letter called. |
When your child is able to distinguish between two letters, start putting three letters in the bag and so on, up to five letters. |
When your child is learning a new letter, take masking tape and create the letter on the floor. |
Let your child play on the letter, however he wishes.
Spread out an old newspaper ad section. |
Sit with your child and name a letter. |
Have her point at any of this letter she finds. |
Circle the letters as she finds them. |
How many did she find? |
You will need a small clothesline and some snap-type clothespins for
this activity.
String up a small clothesline between two straightbacked
chairs. (Position it near a wall so that it’s not out where
others could run into it.) |
Take 10 clothespins and write a different letter on each
clothespin. Place the clothespins on the line. |
Cut out sock or shirt shapes from construction paper and
write one of the same letters on each article of clothing. Place
the paper cutouts in a small basket. |
Let your children take turns matching the letters on the
clothes to the letters on the clothespins. |
Variation: Write capital letters on the clothes and lower case letters
on the clothespins for children who are familiar with the two cases.
On a piece of paper draw partial letters, leaving off small
sections. |
Give your child the paper and a pencil and have her finish
the letters. |
Give your child some play dough. |
Show him how to roll the dough to make long snakes. |
Now using the rolled dough, encourage him to create a chosen
letter. |
If child is unfamiliar with the letter let him see the letter
written out.
This is a fun game for one or more children.
Take three small boxes with lids and cut slits in the tops
long enough to accommodate small envelopes. |
Tape a card on the top of each box with a large capital letter
written on, each one different. |
Now, take 15 small envelopes and write one of the letters
on five envelopes and each of the other letters on five envelopes. |
Mix up the envelopes and place them in a bag. |
Let your child pretend to be a mail carrier and deliver the
envelopes to the correct mailboxes. |
Variation: For older children write capital letters on the boxes and
lower case letters on the envelopes. |
When studying a letter, have your child create a silly sentence
with each word beginning with the letter. Example: “Silly Sarah
sold silver spoons and shooting stars.” |
Write the sentence on the bottom of a piece of paper and
have your child illustrate the sentence. |
Place a large letter “S” at the top of the paper. |
Variation: Save each paper as your child learns new letters and make
a Silly alphabet book for her to read to others. |
When introducing a new letter to your child, set out a laundry
basket with a letter card attached to the front. |
Help your child find items in your home that begin with the
sound of the featured letter. |
Help your child make their own alphabet book. Fold seven
sheets of paper and staple them together in the middle. Starting
on the second page, draw a line across the middle of each page and
write an alphabet letter at the top of each box. Give the book to
your child and help him find pictures of objects that begin with
each letter. Next, have him tear or cut the pictures from magazines
and glue them onto the appropriate pages. This project will probably
take a week or more to finish. Encourage your child to "read" his
alphabet book to friends and family.