Ask children to bring stuffed animals to school the first day.
They are great for insecure children and they can be used for
many activities.
Sit in a circle and one at a time, have children introduce
their animals to the group. Then go around again and have
the animals introduce their owners. |
Have children sit with their animal while
you tell a story. Ask each animal how it enjoyed the story.
Children answer for the animal and get accustomed to speaking
in front of the group. |
Have the animals find the alphabet card
with the first letter of their child’s name. |
Have the animals find the child’s cubby
by looking for the child’s name. |
When children come to school for orientation day, take head
shots of each child. Use the photos to create some classroom
Make a Memory or Concentration game. Have children
find matching pairs of photos. |
Put photos on cards and put them in a basket. Pull
out a photo when you need a helper. |
Make a Class Album and let children take
turns searching for individual children. |
Blow up photos and make small face puzzles
of each child. Place in individual zip-lock bags. |
Have children sit in a circle. |
Roll a small ball to one of the children. |
Have child who gets the ball, say his/her name. |
Then have the child roll the ball to someone new. |
Repeat the action, until everyone has had a turn.
Here is an old favorite of many teachers.
Have children sit in a circle. |
Place a cookie jar in front of you. |
Start the game by looking in the empty cookie jar and
saying, “Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?” |
Then point to a child and say their name. Such as;
“Mary stole the cookies from the cookie jar. |
Mary responds, “Who me?” |
Then all children respond, “Yes, you”. |
Mary responds, “Couldn’t be” |
The class says, “Then who?” |
Mary points to another child (who’s name she knows)
and says, “Tommy stole the cookies from the cookie jar”. |
Game continues until all children have had a turn. |
A fun ending, is for the teacher to confess, “All right,
I confess, I stole the cookies from the cookie jar and
here they are.” |
Teacher passes around a plate of cookies for each child
to take one. |