For this activity you will need a medium sized
food strainer with handle and some construction paper.
Cut out 5-8 small butterflies from the construction
paper. |
Take the butterflies and the strainer outside with your
child. |
Give the strainer to your child and have her use it
like a butterfly net. |
Throw up the butterflies, one or more at a time, and
have her try to catch them. |
This is especially fun on a windy day.
For this game, you will need a tennis ball and a badmitten racket
Give the racket to your child and have him stand on
a hard surface. |
Toss the ball down, so that it will bounce back up in
front of your child. |
Have him try to hit the ball with
the racket. |
you don't have a badmitten racket, you can make a racket
out of a wire coat hanger and a piece of nylon stocking.
First, bend the bottom of a wire coat hanger into
a circle. |
Squeeze the hook on the hanger down, so that it
lies flat. |
Then, cover the circle with a piece of nylon stocking. |
Finally, wrap tape around the handle, securing
the nylon and the end of the hook to the handle.
Give your child a paper cup and a ping pong or
other small ball. |
Have your child place the ball into the cup. |
Then, have her toss the ball up into the air and
try to catch it back into the cup as it falls. |