A fun learning activity for preschoolers is sorting
buttons. You can find them at garage sales and some thrift
stores. Your child can learn a multiple of concepts, such
as; colors, numbers, shapes and sizes, by sorting buttons.
- COLORS - Give your child 10 or more buttons in 3
or 4 colors. Have him sort the buttons into color
- NUMBERS - Have your child sort a pile of buttons
into piles according to the number of holes in the
- SHAPES - Try to find 4 or 5 buttons of 3 - 4 different
shapes, such as; circles, squares, triangles and hearts.
Have your child sort them into individual shape piles.
- SIZES - Have your child sort a pile of buttons into
3 piles of small, medium and large buttons.
- OPPOSITES - You can also set out buttons that your
child can sort into two opposite piles, such as; plain
and fancy.
After your child had had experience recognizing small, medium
and large buttons, you can start having her choose 5 buttons
and name them as characters in a family.
Example: |
A large button = Dad, A medium button =
A small button = Baby; A medium button = Grandma
A medium button = Teenage brother |
- Have your child select a button family and make
up a short story about them.
- Place 6 buttons in a sack and have your child draw
them out one at a time while you or your child makes
up a story about the buttons drawn.
- SIZE PATTERNING - Make a pattern of buttons, in
a line on a table, for your child to duplicate. Such
as; two little buttons, one bug button, two little,
one big, etc. Go over your pattern with your child
to be sure he understands the sequence before he tries
to make his own line with your pattern.
- COLOR PATTERNING - Pick two colors of buttons and
make a repetitive pattern, such as; three while, two
red, etc.
CAUTION: Be sure to supervise children at all times
when using buttons because they can be a choking hazard.
Children under three should only work with large buttons
over 1 ½" in diameter. |
100 BUTTONS (A Counting Game)
Give your child a pile of buttons and have him
count them into piles of ten. |
When she has created 10 groups of 10, have her
put them into a pile of 100. |
ALTERNATIVE: You could also do this activity by
having your child string ten buttons onto a chenille stem.
When she has completed ten strings, have her twist the
stems together to create one large stem or circle.
(A Color Game)
Find 4 - 5 flat nickel to quarter sized buttons
in different primary colors. |
Next, take index cards and draw a simple flower
shape on each (larger than the buttons). |
Color the flowers the same colors as the buttons. |
Have your child place the button in the center
of the flower that is it's same color.