Ingredients: lettuce leaf, 2 pineapple rings (cut in half), cottage cheese, celery stick.
Place the lettuce leaf on a small salad plate. |
Place the celery stick in the center of the leaf. |
Place two pineapple half rings on one side of the celery and two on the other side. |
Fill the centers of the pineapple half rings with cottage cheese. |
Variation: Add two raisins on top of each cottage cheese section.
Ingredients: Rice cakes, large black gum drops, string licorice, raisins and toothpicks and red frosting.
Spread each rice cake with red frosting (or strawberry cream cheese). |
Using a toothpick, attach half of a gum drop to the front side of the cake for a head. |
Place a strip of licorice down the middle of the cake. |
Place raisins on both sides of the ladybug rice cake. |
Grate 2-4 carrots and ½ small Hicama.
Pour on a small amount of Italian dressing.
Place on top of some chopped lettuce. |