February 24 is Mexican Flag Day.
The original Mexican flag consisted of three sections of color. The first section is the color dark green. It symbolizes the freedom of the Mexican people. The second color is white. It symbolizes the purity of the Mexicans faith. The last section is colored red. It symbolizes the blood of the Mexicans national heroes. Later, an emblem was added to the center of the white section.
The current emblem on the Mexican flag a picture of an eagle setting in a prickly pear tree while eating a snake (symbolizing their enemies). The tree sits on a small island in the middle of a lake.
The flag emblem tells the story of the ancient legion of the founding of Mexico city. It is told, that the Aztec Gods told them to build a city where they saw an eagle perched on a prickly pear tree, devouring a serpent (snake). It is said, that they finally saw such a tree, with an eagle sitting on it with a snake in it’s mouth on a small island in a lake. Today that marshy lake is now the center of a large plaza in Mexico City. |
Give each child a large piece (12” x 16”) of white construction paper. |
Then give then each a red and a green piece of paper measuring 5 ½” x 12”. |
Set out some glue and have the children glue the green and red papers on each side of the large white paper. |
Set out some marking pens and let your children draw a small picture in the center of the white paper for their own celebration symbol. |
You will need to draw a pattern of a prickly pear tree. |
Using the pattern, cut out green trees. |
Have the children glue the tree pattern onto a piece of light blue paper. |
Set out some small tooth picks. |
Show your children how to break off the tips of the toothpicks and glue then onto their prickly pear tree. |
Set a large Mexican hat in the middle of the room. |
Play some lively Mexican music. |
Encourage your children to dance around the hat. |
Find library books that show different types of cactus. |
Bring in a small potted cactus for your children to observe. |
Discuss how cactus grow in very hot climates and need very little water to grow. |
Try to bring in a collection of Mexican band instruments. |
Look for guitars, maracas, castanets and horns.
Mexico is known for its colorful rugs, and materials. Why not do a weaving project with your children?
You will need an 8 ½” x 11 piece of cardboard or yellow tag board for each child. |
Across the top and bottom of the board, make small ½” deep slits- ½” apart. |
Now run a piece of yarn, starting at the top, hook the yarn through the first slit at the top, then run it down to the first slit at the bottom. Then around that slit and back up to the top. |
Repeat this over and over until you have yarn running up and down all across the board. |
Now give the board to your child along with many 9” pieces of colorful yarn. |
Encourage children to make their weavings colorful. |
Most children just put about five or six colorful yarn pieces through the middle of the board. |
This is fine. Boards can be hung up to enjoy. |
Set out some graham crackers and some white frosting. |
Have children frost the top of the cracker white. |
Then set out some red frosting and some green frosting. |
Have children put green frosting on the left side and some red frosting on the right side, leaving a white section in the middle. |
Tune: “The Ants Go Marching Two By Two”
The people are marching into town, Hurray! Hurray!
They are celebrating - Mexican Flag Day!
Flags wave up and down the street,
The band plays out a lively beat.
Oh, we’re oh so glad, that they could come today.
The people are marching into town, Hurray, Hurray!
They are celebrating – Mexican Flag Day!
See the flags as they go by.
See the fireworks in the sky.
Oh, we’re oh so glad that they could come today.
Jean Warren