Cut out cardboard shapes. |
Give your children uncooked, uncolored pasta to glue onto the shapes. |
When dry, have children paint their pasta shapes and add glitter. |
Punch a hole in the cardboard and hand the shapes up in your room. |
Variations: Shapes could be hearts, shamrocks, flowers, trees, etc.
Write children’s names on a large sheet of construction paper. |
Give them some cooked spaghetti noodles. |
Have them lay the noodles along the lines of their name. |
Supply small butter knieves for cutting pasta to desired lengths. |
Cook up some spaghetti noodles for your children. |
Add some oil to the water, so that the noodles will not stick together. |
Give your child a pair of child scissors and have her cut the noodles into small pieces. |
These small pieces could be glued to construction paper to make objects or designs.
Here are a few different ways to color uncooked pasta.
The most common way, is to mix some food coloring with rubbing alcohol. |
Another way is to add ½ cup water with 1 Tbs. cider vinegar and some food coloring. |
Or you can mix 1 tbs. water with 1 tsp. tempera. |
And finally you can just use food coloring. |
Place in a plastic container or zip-lock bag with 1 cup uncooked pasta and shake. Then spread the pasta out on waxed paper to dry. |
Cut out cardboard frames for your children. |
Give them colored pasta shapes and some glue. |
Have children glue the shapes around their frame. |
Frames can be given to others as gifts, with a picture of the child attached to the back.
Rigatoni pasta works great for this activity.
Set out some colored pasta. |
Give your child a 12 – 14 inch length of yarn. |
Wrap tape around one end of the yarn for a needle and tape the other end of the yarn onto the table (to keep pasta from falling off). |
Have children thread the yarn through the pasta pieces. |
Help children finish their necklace by tying the yarn ends together. |
CAUTION: Do not let children play with long pieces of yarn unsupervised. |
You will need an empty paper towel roll for this project.
Using a steak knife, cut the paper towel roll into small one inch rings. |
Give your child a ring and first have him paint the ring. |
When the ring is dry, have him glue colored macaroni onto his ring. |
When the macaroni is dry, cut the ring, so that it will stretch a little and your child can slip it onto his wrist.
You may want to use a variety of different kinds of pasta for this activity.
Give your child a paper plate some glue and some uncooked pasta. |
Have her glue a picture or design on her plate using the pasta. |
When the pasta is dry, let your child color her pasta plate using marking pens. |
Cook spaghetti and add some oil to the water so that the noodles do not stick together. |
Drain and place in a small container for your child. |
Set out 2-3 plates filled with different colors of tempera paint and some white paper. |
Show your child how to drag a piece of spaghetti through the paint to create interesting designs on his paper.
Purchase some letter stamps or sponges at the craft store. |
Give your child an ink pad or paint pad and some paper. |
Let your child stamp any letter he wishes on the paper or a specific one you would like him to concentrate on. |