Display art in old picture frames. |
Screw metal clips on the wall to clip on art. |
Make a large paper tree. Tape art to the tree. |
Make a large paper seasonal shape from colored paper. Tape art to shape. |
Cover a large board with burlap, aluminum foil, wrapping paper. Add art. |
Cover a large cardboard box with colorful paper. Tape on art. |
Place art inside a large cardboard box, let child crawl in to observe. |
Hang art on a clothesline on a sunny day. |
Hang art on a tree branch on a sunny day. |
Hang art on doors. |
Take a photo of large art projects and tape them to refrigerator. |
Use magnet clips on your refrigerator to clip on art. |
Display transparent art on windows. |
Attach cork board strips to a wall and pin on art. |
Make a large burlap banner. Attach art with tape. |
Make an art book. |
Hang art on a fence outside. Have a sidewalk art gallery. |
Hang art on stairwell on down a hall way. |
Lay the art work on a kitchen table and cover the table with a clear plastic table cloth or piece of plastic. |
Cover art work with clear self-adhesive paper and use as placemats. |
Cover a display area with one of the following; disposable paper tablecloth, grass cloth, aluminum foil, nylon netting, bed sheet. Pin on art work. |