Set out a sheet of pre-pasted wallpaper (8” x 8”). |
Set out a cake pan with warm water. |
Have your child dip his wallpaper into the water to moisten. |
Set out a can. |
Have your child place the paper, paste side down over the top of the can. |
Show your child how to mold the paper down over the sides. |
When dry, have your child remove the paper and turn it right-side up. |
Help your child attach a 1” strip of paper as a handle. Glue or staple the ends of the handle to two opposite sides of the basket. |
Here is a simple basket to make with a large half-circle.
Cut out a half-circle from a 9” x 12” piece of construction paper. Have the bottom of the half circle go clear across the 12” side of the paper. |
Give the half-circles to your children and have them decorate them however you wish. |
When they are finished, fold the half-circle in the middle and cut a handle by cutting through the fold 1” down from the top of the half-circle. When you get to the other end of the arc, stop ½” from the straight edge. |
Roll the half-circle into a cone and bend up the 1” handle. |
Staple the ends of the cone together. |
Fill with flowers and hang on someone’s door.
Here is a quick May Basket idea.
Purchase cone shaped party hats in plain colors. |
Let your child fill them with real or paper flowers. |
Hang the hats on door knobs by the elastic strings. |
Cut an inexpensive white paper plate in half. Let your child decorate
it with markers or stickers. Roll it into a cone and staple the
sides in place. Then staple a paper or ribbon handle onto the cone.
If you don't have a paper plate a half circle cut from heavy paper
will work.
Take a brown lunch sack and with a pair of scissors, round off the
top into a half circle. (This will be the top of the handle) Then
fold the bag in half lengthwise and cut out a hole creating a basket
handle. Give the paper basket to your child to decorate. |
OTHER EASY BASKETS Attach handles to berry baskets.
Let your child decorate white styrofoam cups. Add ribbon handles.
Wrap wax paper and a doile around flowers, tie with a ribbon.
Add a handle.