Summertime is a great time to encourage creative
activities with preschoolers.
Here are some quick ideas you can do with your children outdoors. |
You will need a display fish net for this activity, plus some 1' lengths
of ribbon.
Set up a fish net in your yard between two trees, poles or
heavy chairs. |
Set out some lengths of colorful pieces of ribbon. |
Show your child how to weave the ribbon in and
out of the fishnet in a straight line. |
Collect rocks, wash and dry them. Then have your child color them
with marking pens.
Put some blue or red food coloring in some bubble mix. Put mixture
in a small wide bowl. Have your child blow bubbles into the mixture
then lay a piece of paper over the top of the bubbles to make a
Have your child make rubbings of tree bark, cement designs,
wood grains on outdoor furniture, etc. Show them how to lay a piece
of paper over the object to be copied and then rub a crayon over
the paper. Crayons with their paper removed and laid on their sides
to rub, work best.
Let your child draw chalk pictures on your sidewalk. Just hose the
area down when you want to clean up the mess. Younger children will
be happy just painting water on the sidewalk with a large paint brush.
Have your child decorate an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper, then
have them glue or tape strips of crepe paper (12" long) on
the long side of the paper. Finally roll the paper into a cylinder
(taped side inside) and tape the sides together. Staple or tape
on a hanger and help your child hang his creation in a tree.