
For each ghost you will need two white facial tissues
and a chenille or pipe cleaner. Have your child lay one tissue open
on a table. Then have her crumble the other tissue into a ball and
place it in the middle of the opened tissue. Next, have her pull
up the corners of the flat tissue and twist the tissue to create
a ball head. Then, have her wrap one end of a chenille around the
neck of the ghost, holding the head in place. Finally, have her
loop the other end of the chenille into a holder. Now, using the
holder, show her how to manipulate her ghost up and down or to fly
around the room. Your child, can create a face on her puppet with
a thin black marking pen.
Have your child stuff two or three small paper lunch
sacks with crumbled newspaper. Twist the top of the sacks closed
and wrap them with green tape. Then have your child paint the paper
sacks orange. When the pumpkins are dry, have your child create
a pumpkin patch by adding green vines and leaves to their pumpkins.
Vines can be made by twisting strips of green tissue paper and leaves
can be cut out of green construction or tissue paper.
Place a novelty fish net (found at Display and Party
Stores) up in a room, held in place between two chairs or a cupboard
and a wall. Set out various weaving materials for your children
to use. Such as;
12" lengths of yarn (children love the fat yarn), ribbon or
small feathers
dried flowers and leaves
dried wheat or other grasses
thin strips of colorful material or felt
Give your child a coat hanger and five 1"x 14"
strips of crepe paper. Have him drape the strips of paper over the
bottom of the coat hanger and using glue, glue the top of the strip
1" down on the back side of itself. Next, give your child 10
seasonal stickers to stick to the hanging strips. Have your child
place stickers on both sides of the bottom of each strip. Attach
the coat hanger hook to a doorway or from a light fixture.