Cut out a multitude of 2" diamond shapes from different
colors of construction paper. |
Set out the diamond shapes along with small bowls of glue
and some small brushes or Q-tips. |
Give your children a piece of white or colored
background paper. |
First, show them how to make designs using several
diamond shapes. |
When they have a design they like, then have
them glue each diamond shape in place on their paper. |
Cut out large D shapes from heavy paper for your children
to decorate. |
Set out one of the following materials for your
child to use to decorate their D's.
Markers to make dots all over their D.
Dogs or daisy stickers.
Purchase a set of paint dobbers. (The kind that are sold
at Arts and Craft stores, that are non-toxic classroom versions
of Bingo dobbers.) |
Give your children plain paper and let them create whatever
type of picture, they wish. |
Sing - to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
Dob, Dob, Dob the paint.
Make a picture now.
It is such a lot of fun.
I will show you how.
Cut out large donut shapes for your children. |
Give them a bowl of colored glue and a small paint brush.
(Mix food coloring in white glue.) |
Have your children frost their donuts with frosting (colored
glue) |
Then, let them sprinkle on confetti or glitter to decorate. |
Here is a coordination game for the letter D. |
Set out a container such
as a bowl or box. (Be sure it has a 6" or less top) |
Let your children stand
over the container and take turns dropping in dimes. |
How many did they get
in the container?
You can make a simple puzzle for your child to practice letter
recognition. |
Take a small (3"x5") index card. |
Turn it onto the plain side and make it
stand up tall. |
With a large black or blue marking pen,
print a large upper case D. |
Now, with a pair of scissors, cut the letter
across the middle with a puzzle cut. |
Give the two pieces of the letter to one
child and have her put the letter back together.
Gradually, add more letter puzzles to your
pile for your children to sort and make into whole letters.
Variation: You could also turn your paper sideways and make
a two piece puzzle, with an upper case D on one side and the
lower case d on the other side. |
Say the name of an animal that starts with
the letter D, such as; dog, ducks, donkeys, deer, dragons or
dinosaurs. |
Put on some dance music. |
Have your children pretend they are the
animal and try to dance like the animal might. |
Here are some "D" movements you can let your children
have fun imitating. |
Digging in dirt. |
Dunking donuts. |
Dancing dolls. |
Diving for dimes. |
Dumping dirt.
Play music for your children to dance to. |
Supply real drums for your children to play. |
Place props in your dress-up
area for your children to pretend to be:
Doctors |
Detectives |
Dancers |
Divers |
Make a blank book and fill it with pictures
of animals that begin with D, such as; ducks, dogs, donkeys,
dinosaurs, dragons, deer. |
Label each picture with the name of the
animal written in large black print. |
Place the book in the reading area. |
Variation: Make copies of the pictures in your book and let
your children make their own books. |
Cut the middle out of paper plates
for your children. |
Set out the plate rims, some glue
and some yellow or white paper flower petals. |
Have your children glue petals all
around their paper daisy ring. |
Have children hold these up in front
of their faces as they sing songs or recite poems about
daisies or other flowers. |
When you are studying the letter "D", it is
a great time to teach your children the poem "Deedle,
Deedle Dumpling". |
Deedle, deedle, dumpling,
My son John.
Went to bed
With his britches on.
One shoe off,
And one shoe on.
Deedle, deedle dumpling
My son John. |
Make a practice writing sheet for your
children. |
On a sheet of paper print one or more 1"
upper and lower case D's". |
Place the paper in a plastic page protector
(available at office supply stores) or cover the paper with
Contac ® paper. |
Set out the sheet along with a black crayon
and some small sheets of paper towels. |
Let your children take turns practicing
writing "D's" using the crayon. |
Markings can be wiped off with the paper
towels when it is someone else's turn. |
Let your children learn about D animals, such as; dogs, dinosaurs, ducks, donkeys, deer, etc. |
Look for foods at the grocery store that start with the D sound. Share them with your children. Example: dates, donuts, dips, devil’s food cake, etc. |
Study D instruments, such as the drum. |
Dig in the dirt looking for dinosaur bones. (bury some butcher bones for them to find.) |
Discover dirt. What is it made up of, what can they find by examining it? |
Show your children how to make healthy dips.
Pour 1 cup of cottage cheese with ½ cup mayonnaise
and ½ cup sour cream into a blender. |
Add ½ package of dried vegetable soup, or tuna
fish, or any other ingredient you wish. |
Blend and serve with carrot and celery sticks or crackers. |
Make donuts. |
Serve dried dates. |
Make a Dad's dinner for an open house. |
Serve devils food cupcakes. |